Pedro's Pro Burrito Tool Kit is an upgraded version. Here you get all the tools you need to have immediately available as a car mechanic or on cyclocross or XC rides.
Includes: Chain Checker II Chain Gauge, 7 & 8mm Wrench Brake Rotors, 9 & 10mm Ratchets, Chain Lock Bar - Apprentice Chain Cutter.
Wire Cutters, Travel Pedal Wrench, Pro - Pro Chain Whip, Allen Set - Torx Set, 3.23 & 3.45mm Oak Wrenches, Shimano Tools, Pro Chain Keeper Tape Measure.
1/4" bit set in 1" and 2" lengths, levers, Torque Stick 2-11Nm torque wrench for bits, Pro Bit screwdriver, 1 4" bit driver, needle nose pliers, wire cutters.